FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (^KLSE) 1,646.53 14.83 (0.90%)
updated at: Wed, 09 Dec 2020, 05:25PM MYT


AirAsia, Tata Sons amend pact to give more say to India firm MUMBAI (Dec 26): Tata Sons and AirAsia Bhd agreed to amend a brand licensing agreement to give greater control to the local partner, Business Standard reports c...
Publish at Thu, 26 Dec 2019, 09:52AM
亚航修改协议·提高印度塔塔话语权 (吉隆坡26日讯)印度媒体报道,知情人士披露,亚航集团(AIRASIA,5099,主板消费产品与服务组)和印度伙伴塔塔父子公司(Tata Sons)正修改2013年签署的品牌执照协议,以提高...
Publish at Thu, 26 Dec 2019, 07:03AM
AirAsia India silent on deal change to allow Tata Sons operational control NEW DELHI (Dec 27): AirAsia India on Friday refused to comment on a reported change in the brand licence agreement that would give the India-based carrier's loc...
Publish at Fri, 27 Dec 2019, 11:56AM
AirAsia adds fixed-fare late-night flights for Chinese New Year SEPANG (Jan 7): AirAsia Group Bhd will add special late-night flights at fixed one-way all-in fares between Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak from Jan 2...
Publish at Tue, 07 Jan 2020, 12:17PM
Decision on RM1 services charge only after Mavcom-CAAM merger — Loke SEPANG (Jan 7): The decision on whether to continue with the RM1 regulatory services charge on passengers departing from airports in Malaysia will be made after...
Publish at Tue, 07 Jan 2020, 10:18AM
对冲策略应对油价飙高·亚航评级不变 (吉隆坡7日电)虽然中东地缘政治生变刺激国际油价走高,但亚航集团(AIRASIA,5099,主板消费产品服务组)股价却相对强稳,分析员认为,这主要是该公司的燃油对冲策略足以缓...
Publish at Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 11:18AM
AirAsia may add capacity, routes for VMY2020 AirAsia Group Bhd(Jan 7, RM1.66)Maintain buy with an unchanged target price (TP) of RM2.04:We opine that there might be an increase in the amount of jet fuel co...
Publish at Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 10:47AM
AirAsia biggest beneficiary of air traffic rights granted by Mavcom in 2019 KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 9): AirAsia Group Bhd, Asia's largest low-cost carrier by volume, received the highest number of air traffic rights allocations last year, at...
Publish at Thu, 09 Jan 2020, 04:31AM
AirAsia gets most air traffic allocations MAVCOM revealed AirAsia received the highest number of air traffic allocations at 75 out of the 173 approved applications in 2019.
Publish at Fri, 10 Jan 2020, 09:10AM
AirAsia biggest beneficiary of air traffic rights granted by Mavcom last year KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Group Bhd, Asia’s largest low-cost carrier by volume, received the highest number of air traffic rights allocations last year, at 75. The...
Publish at Fri, 10 Jan 2020, 10:49AM
AirAsia launches direct flights to Chengdu from Penang KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 10): AirAsia will expand its Penang network with new direct flights to Chengdu commencing March 8, 2020. AirAsia Malaysia chief executive offi...
Publish at Fri, 10 Jan 2020, 03:52AM
AirAsia CEO Fernandes plans to ‘shut down’ his Twitter account SEOUL (Jan 13): AirAsia’s CEO Tony Fernandes said it’s time for him to leave Twitter. “Social media has become an angry place,” Fernandes said in a post on Twit...
Publish at Mon, 13 Jan 2020, 08:00AM
How effective is influencer marketing? Clement: Influencers need to rethink the authentic value that they can bring to the marketing initiatives they are involved in.
Publish at Mon, 13 Jan 2020, 09:50AM
印尼菲律宾天灾影响 亚航营运或遭小挫折 (吉隆坡14日讯)印尼豪雨水灾,菲律宾火山爆发,导致当地航班受到影响,不过分析员认为,亚航集团(AIRASIA,5099,主板消费股)的营运只遭遇小挫折,没有大影响。 印尼首...
Publish at Tue, 14 Jan 2020, 09:10AM
印菲天灾 航班停飞‧亚航:冲击不大 分析:财测不变 (吉隆坡14日讯)印尼水灾,菲律宾火山爆发,天灾直接影响亚航集团(AIRASIA,5099,主板消费产品服务组)至印尼和菲律宾,以及两国境内的航线,不过亚航强调冲击不大,达证券...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 10:15AM
Lawyer's challenge over constitutionality of departure levy to be decided on Feb 27 KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 15): The constitutionality of the imposition of a departure levy on international travel by the government since Sept 1 last year will be deci...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 02:49AM
AirAsia potential beneficiary of Malaysia Airlines' suspension of Boeing 737 MAX deliveries KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 16): MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd Research has maintained its 'Buy' rating on AirAsia Group Bhd at RM1.66 with an unchanged target price of...
Publish at Thu, 16 Jan 2020, 10:35AM
马航暂缓接收5波音机 亚航料趁势抢市占 (吉隆坡16日讯)马航暂缓履行接收25架波音737 Max飞机,分析员认为,亚航集团(AIRASIA,5099,主板消费股)料会受惠,因为可趁机抢占马航的市占率。 MIDF投资研究分析员...
Publish at Thu, 16 Jan 2020, 09:10AM
India summons Tony Fernandes in money laundering case KUALA LUMPUR: AirAsia Group Bhd chief executive officer (CEO) Tan Sri Tony Fernandes has been summoned by an Indian law enforcement agency for questioning next...
Publish at Fri, 17 Jan 2020, 08:44AM
Khazanah still figuring out best solution for MAS, not confirming or denying AirAsia X tie-up KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 20): Khazanah Nasional Bhd says it is still in the midst of identifying the best solution for Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAB), neither confirming...
Publish at Mon, 20 Jan 2020, 06:32AM
After PLUS, Khazanah now has to decide on Malaysia Airlines KUALA LUMPUR: Just when it is about to close the chapter on the stake sale in PLUS Malaysia Bhd, Khazanah Nasional Bhd has drawn its attention to the ailing nat...
Publish at Tue, 21 Jan 2020, 08:28AM
马航吸引法荷航空及日航入股 (档案照)" title="(档案照)">(档案照) (吉隆坡、新加坡21日路透电)知情人士指出,向大马政府提出马航(Malaysia Airlines)整顿建议书的公司包括法荷航空集团(Air...
Publish at Tue, 21 Jan 2020, 02:49AM
MIDF Research maintains positive stance on aviation sector KUALA LUMPUR: MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd Research (MIDF Research) has maintained a positive outlook on the aviation sector following proposals to take over...
Publish at Wed, 22 Jan 2020, 04:55AM
年杪料创1.5万纪录 PG商城商家增50% (槟城22日讯)政府本月15日起派发总额4亿5000万令吉的人民电子现金予年收入10万令吉以下的国民,进一步使电子钱包使用率普及化,商家预测在今年首季有接近10亿令吉电子现...
Publish at Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 12:10PM
AirAsia, Malindo cancel all flights bound to and from Wuhan, China KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 23): AirAsia Group Bhd and Malindo Air have both halted all flights to and from Wuhan, China, in view of the coronavirus outbreak there. While...
Publish at Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 04:09AM
Khazanah files police report on leak of Malaysia Airlines board papers KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 24): Upset and shocked by what appears to be a leak of the entire board papers on Malaysia Airlines Bhd, Khazanah Nasional Bhd wants police to...
Publish at Fri, 24 Jan 2020, 07:30AM
MAS-AirAsia merger – will it fly? KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 24): Last year, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said that the government, via Khazanah Nasional Bhd, has three options for Malaysia Air...
Publish at Fri, 24 Jan 2020, 12:04PM
马航-亚航合并会成事吗? (吉隆坡24日讯)首相敦马哈迪去年曾表示,政府通过国库控股(Khazanah Nasional Bhd)为马航(Malaysia Airlines Bhd)提供3个方案,即继续注资、出售或关闭。 尽管发出威...
Publish at Fri, 24 Jan 2020, 12:50PM
Politics rules the day in MAS sale Allowing MAS to collapse is unthinkable.
Publish at Sat, 25 Jan 2020, 09:40AM
马航并购外泄‧国库控股报警 (MAB)收购与合并资料外泄,国库控股(Khazanah)董事部不安,寄望警方采取行动。 财经日报《The Edge》引述消息人士报道称,国库控股已就泄密一事在上周四(23日)报警。...
Publish at Tue, 28 Jan 2020, 01:12AM