FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (^KLSE) 1,646.53 14.83 (0.90%)
updated at: Wed, 09 Dec 2020, 05:25PM MYT


伦敦食品3股东要求开特大‧罢免2董事 委3新董事 (吉隆坡23日讯)陷入PN17陷困公司行列的伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费产品服务组)表示,3名共持股至少10%的股东,要求在2020年1月30日召开股东特大,以罢免现任董事部...
Publish at Tue, 24 Dec 2019, 09:12AM
Three London Biscuits shareholders seek EGM to remove two directors KUALA LUMPUR (Dec 23): A trio of London Biscuits Bhd shareholders that claim to hold 10% of the group’s shares are seeking an extraordinary general meeting (EGM...
Publish at Mon, 23 Dec 2019, 10:31AM
London Biscuits served writ for default in payment of RM1.256m KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 7): London Biscuits Bhd has been served with a writ of summons and a statement of claim from PAC Lease Bhd for defaulting in payment obligatio...
Publish at Tue, 07 Jan 2020, 09:35AM
London Biscuits falls 5.88% on being served writ of summons KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 8): Shares in London Biscuits Bhd fell 5.88% this morning after it was served with a writ of summons and a statement of claim from PAC Lease B...
Publish at Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 09:35AM
收到传票 伦敦食品跌5.88% (吉隆坡8日讯)由于拖欠125万6000令吉,伦敦食品(London Biscuits Bhd)收到PAC Lease Bhd的传票和索赔声明后,今早下跌5.88%。 截至9时18分,该股跌0.5仙,报8仙,市值...
Publish at Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 09:53AM
伦敦食品再爆拖债· 股价重挫5.88% (吉隆坡8日讯)伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费产品服务组)再次爆出欠债消息,股价进一步下跌。 截至上午11时,伦敦食品下跌5.88%或0.5仙,挂8仙,成交量报77万3500股。...
Publish at Wed, 08 Jan 2020, 11:32AM
London Biscuits' shares to be suspended from Jan 21 amid winding up petition KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 14): Trading in the shares of London Biscuits Bhd will be suspended from Jan 21, until further notice. The cakes, biscuits and snack food manu...
Publish at Tue, 14 Jan 2020, 05:37AM
伦敦食品1月21日起暂停交易 (吉隆坡14日讯)伦敦食品(London Biscuits Bhd)将从1月21日起暂停交易,直至另行通知。 该公司正面临清盘申请,并承诺在临时清盘过程中予以合作。PricewaterhouseCooper...
Publish at Tue, 14 Jan 2020, 05:55AM
London Biscuits tumbles 42.9% ahead of trading suspension KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 15): London Biscuits Bhd tumbled 42.9% this morning after the firm yesterday said its shares will be suspended from Jan 21, until further noti...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 09:24AM
伦敦食品21日停牌 (吉隆坡14日讯)PN17公司伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费产品服务组)将在1月21日暂停交易,直至另行通知为止。 该公司正面临清盘,并承诺充分合作,普华永道(PWC)顾问公...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 09:54AM
伦敦食品将暂停交易 股价应声暴跌 (吉隆坡15日讯)伦敦食品(London Biscuits Bhd)今早暴跌42.9%,因该公司昨日宣布将从1月21日起暂停交易,直至另行通知。 截至早上9点06分,该股挫1.5仙,至2仙,市值为5...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 10:25AM
London Biscuits shares to be suspended from Jan 21 amid winding-up petition KUALA LUMPUR: Trading of shares in London Biscuits Bhd will be suspended from Jan 21 until further notice, the company said in a filing with Bursa Malaysia yest...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 10:20AM
伦敦食品下周二起停牌 伦敦食品(吉隆坡15日讯)马交所宣布,PN17公司伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费股)将在下周二(21日)起暂停交易,直到另行通知。 昨日另一份报备文件指出,法庭拒绝了...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 06:50AM
Supplier granted court order to wind up London Biscuit’s unit that defaulted on RM5m loan KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 15): The High Court has granted a winding-up order against London Biscuits Bhd's wholly-owned subsidiary Kinos Food Industries (M) Sdn Bhd for...
Publish at Wed, 15 Jan 2020, 09:07AM
London Biscuits' trading volume surges for fourth consecutive day KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 16): The surge in London Biscuits Bhd's trading volume continued for the fourth consecutive day this week, making it one of the most actively...
Publish at Thu, 16 Jan 2020, 01:43AM
伦敦食品连续四天交投活络 (吉隆坡16日讯)伦敦食品(London Biscuits Bhd)本周连续四天交投活络,今早成为大马交易所十大热门股之一,共3329万股易手。 这也是该股连续六天单日交易量突破3000万股...
Publish at Thu, 16 Jan 2020, 02:15AM
Shareholders' call for London Biscuits EGM rendered invalid by appointment of liquidator KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 29): The call by certain shareholders of London Biscuits Bhd to convene an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on Jan 31 has been rendered inv...
Publish at Wed, 29 Jan 2020, 08:55AM
London Biscuits liquidation: Bids for assets open on March 2 KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 6): London Biscuits Bhd, which is currently in liquidation, said today that the liquidator in charge has set March 2 for parties interested in...
Publish at Thu, 06 Feb 2020, 08:00AM
伦敦食品清盘 3月2日竞标资产 (吉隆坡6日讯)伦敦食品(London Biscuits Bhd)正在清盘,其清盘人要求对其资产和业务感兴趣的各方在3月2日提交投标或提案。 伦敦食品今日发布文告表示:“当有进一步发展...
Publish at Thu, 06 Feb 2020, 08:24AM
London Biscuits liquidator to meet creditors on March 24 The liquidator of London Biscuits Bhd is calling for a meeting of creditors of the company in Johor Bahru on March 24.
Publish at Thu, 13 Feb 2020, 02:38AM
London Biscuits liquidator to meet creditors The meeting is to amongst others, update the status of the winding-up of the company and determine whether or not the creditors require the appointment of a com...
Publish at Fri, 14 Feb 2020, 10:10AM
London Biscuits sells industrial land for RM70m to pay off creditors KUALA LUMPUR (May 6): London Biscuits Bhd, which is currently under liquidation, is selling seven parcels of freehold industrial land in Johor Bahru for RM70 mi...
Publish at Wed, 06 May 2020, 09:00AM
London Biscuits sells assets to Mamee-Double Decker
Publish at Wed, 06 May 2020, 08:43AM
London Biscuits to dispose RM70mil assets LBB said it has entered into an asset sale agreement with Pacific Petcare and Mamee-Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd (as guarantor) for the purposes.
Publish at Thu, 07 May 2020, 08:20AM
伦敦食品7千万售资产还债 ●伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费产品服务组)以7000万令吉,脱售新山土地、建筑与知识产权,以作为清盘和偿债用途。 该公司文告说,脱售永久地契工业地段位于避兰东,兼...
Publish at Thu, 07 May 2020, 10:37AM
Gatwick cutbacks mount Back to Heathrow: A British airways aeroplane tailfin and a Virgin Atlantic aeroplane are seen with the control tower at Heathrow airport. Virgin Atlantic said...
Publish at Thu, 07 May 2020, 11:30AM
伦敦食品脱售资产 筹7000万偿债 (吉隆坡7日讯)伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费产品服务组)以7000万令吉,脱售新山土地、建筑与知识产权,作为清盘和偿债用途。 伦敦食品发文告指出,该公司脱售位于新...
Publish at Thu, 07 May 2020, 02:50AM
无意上诉 伦敦食品除牌下市 (吉隆坡17日讯)PN17公司伦敦食品(LONBISC,7126,主板消费股)无意针对高庭发出的清盘令提出上诉,并接受除牌下市的议决。 伦敦食品今天向马交所报备,无意向吉隆坡高庭...
Publish at Thu, 18 Jun 2020, 12:08PM
What is single largest shareholder planning for Khee San? Bursa Malaysia filings show that businessman Datuk Ng Meng Kee (pic), who is the founder of security seals manufacturer Mega Fortris Malaysia Sdn Bhd, has been...
Publish at Sat, 15 Aug 2020, 08:40AM
Publish at Fri, 25 Sep 2020, 02:50AM