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Tag : AGES

Top 10 art exhibitions to see in 2020 The remarkable thing about major museum shows is that they can transcend the objects themselves to become global cultural phenomena. You might not be in Paris f...
Publish at Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 11:16AM
Politics and Policy: Takfiri culture rears its ugly head again A “takfiri”, as Wikipedia defines it, is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim of apostasy. The accusation itself is called “takfir”, which is derived from the wo...
Publish at Thu, 13 Feb 2020, 04:00AM
AGES优先股认购率59.15% (吉隆坡11日讯)AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)的不可赎回可转换优先股(ICPS)认购率仅有59.15%。 该公司透过文告指出,此前建议发行的65亿2740万7770股优先股中,截...
Publish at Thu, 12 Mar 2020, 10:56AM
Ageson partners with Singapore firm to undertake RM330m sand supply project KUALA LUMPUR (April 17): Ageson Bhd, formerly known as Prinsiptek Corp Bhd, is partnering with Singapore firm Navis Marinus Private Ltd (NMPL) to jointly undert...
Publish at Fri, 17 Apr 2020, 05:01AM
宏毅联营公司获3.2亿运沙合约 (吉隆坡17日讯)宏毅集团(AGES,7145,主板建筑股)周四宣布,旗下Esa Pile私人有限公司(EPSB)和新加坡Navis Marinus私人有限公司(NMPL)签署投资条款,以成立联营公...
Publish at Fri, 17 Apr 2020, 08:37AM
AGESON设联营公司 负责狮城3.3亿合约 (吉隆坡17日讯)AGESON公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑股)与Navis Marinus私人有限公司(简称NMPL)创立联营公司,负责新加坡1亿764万新元(约3.3亿令吉)的供应合约。 AGESO...
Publish at Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 12:10PM
AGES菲NMPL‧联营3.3亿项目 (吉隆坡17日讯)AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)与菲律宾Navis Marinus私人有限公司(NMPL)签署联营协议,以成立联营公司来承担新加坡裕廊集团(JTC Corporation)总值...
Publish at Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 11:06AM
Everyday Matters: Business not as usual Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” The words of John F Kennedy, the 35th President of the US, certainly ring true, and current, in our pr...
Publish at Sat, 18 Apr 2020, 11:30AM
Ageson bags RM117m contract to sell natural sand to HK firm KUALA LUMPUR (April 22): Construction and property development company Ageson Bhd (formerly Prinsiptek Corp Bhd) has bagged a US$26.6 million (RM116.77 million)...
Publish at Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 07:39AM
AGES公司组联营 负责逾3亿跨国合约 (吉隆坡22日讯)AGES公司(AGES公司,7145,主要板建筑)宣布,独资子公司Esa Pile私人有限公司周五(17日)与新加坡Navis Marinus私人有限公司达成合资协议,成立一家供...
Publish at Wed, 22 Apr 2020, 09:00AM
AGES获1.17亿砂石合约 ●AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)获得2660万美元(大约1亿1677万令吉)的砂石供应合约。 AGES公司在文告中表示,子公司Esa Pile私人有限公司已接到香港佰威骏资源有限公...
Publish at Thu, 23 Apr 2020, 10:26AM
Ageson获广州凯盛达颁275亿令吉沙订单 (吉隆坡4日讯)Ageson Bhd独资子公司Esa Pile私人有限公司已接受广州凯盛达实业有限公司(Guangzhou Kaishengda Industrial Co Ltd,简称GKI)为期15年的河沙和海沙采购订...
Publish at Mon, 04 May 2020, 03:37AM
AGES获275亿·沙石供应合约 (吉隆坡4日讯)AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)获得中国总值275亿令吉的沙石供应合约。 该公司发文告说,独资子公司Esa Pile已接到广州凯胜达实业(GKI)为期15年的河沙...
Publish at Tue, 05 May 2020, 09:48AM
Ageson rises 25% in active trade after announcing RM27.5b order KUALA LUMPUR (May 5): Ageson Bhd’s share price rose as much as 25% today, after the company said it secured a RMB44.8 billion (RM27.5 billion) purchase order fr...
Publish at Tue, 05 May 2020, 11:14AM
Ageson获275亿订单 刺激股价大涨25% (吉隆坡5日讯)Ageson Bhd从一家中国公司获得价值448亿人民币(275亿令吉)的采购订单,将在未来15年内供应沙子,刺激股价今早一度大涨25%。 截至早上10时26分,该股升2.5...
Publish at Tue, 05 May 2020, 12:07PM
Prinsiptek founder Foo Chu Jong disposes entire stake in the group which has been renamed Ageson KUALA LUMPUR (May 6): Ageson Bhd said today that its non-executive director Datuk Foo Chu Jong has ceased to be a substantial shareholder in the construction gr...
Publish at Wed, 06 May 2020, 09:42AM
Govt: No go-ahead for Ageson to export sand to date
Publish at Sun, 10 May 2020, 10:37AM
应付15年供沙订单 AGESON寻伙伴配合 (吉隆坡11日讯)并没有采沙业务的AGESON公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑股)指出,将会和长期合作伙伴和分包商合作,应付价值275亿令吉的供沙订单。 上周,Esa Pile上周接获广...
Publish at Mon, 11 May 2020, 08:40AM
Frankly Speaking: A deal built on sand? Ageson Bhd, formerly Prinsiptek Corp Bhd, recently caught the attention of investors after clinching a contract order for the supply of sand over 15 years to th...
Publish at Tue, 12 May 2020, 12:00PM
275亿合约存疑·AGES公司股价大跌 (吉隆坡12日讯)AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)总值275亿令吉的沙石供应合约面对监管疑虑,股价应声走低。 AGES公司股价今日面对卖压,一度下降14%或2.5仙至15仙,截至...
Publish at Tue, 12 May 2020, 11:51AM
Ageson:没有沙出口准证 (吉隆坡12日讯)Ageson Bhd表示,集团旗下公司及子公司均无沙子出口准证。 该公司在文告中表示:“关于与现有沙出口准证持有人的任何形式合作,公司不了解是否需要和/或提...
Publish at Tue, 12 May 2020, 02:13AM
AGES通过联营伙伴‧申请沙巴沙石出口准证 (吉隆坡5日讯)遭联邦政府官员批评未获得砂石出口执照的AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组),将通过联营伙伴申请沙巴沙石出口准证,而非早前披露的登嘉楼和彭亨。 AGES公司...
Publish at Sat, 06 Jun 2020, 09:49AM
Ageson forms JV with Kedah investment arm to venture into sand mining KUALA LUMPUR (July 27): Ageson Bhd said it has entered into a joint venture (JV) agreement with Menteri Besar Kedah Incorporated (MBI Kedah) to undertake the mi...
Publish at Mon, 27 Jul 2020, 10:53AM
AGES获韩3.4亿合约 AGES公司(AGES,7145,主板建筑组)宣布获得韩国Techpack方案公司颁给7950万美元(约3亿3903万令吉)矽砂供应合约,并将与吉打政府公司联营矽砂业务。 该公司发表文告说,独...
Publish at Tue, 28 Jul 2020, 10:17AM
Ageson expects its strong earnings momentum to continue into FY21 KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 3): Ageson Bhd is confident of achieving even higher earnings for the current financial year ending June 30, 2021 (FY21) after posting a recor...
Publish at Tue, 03 Nov 2020, 05:20AM
Ageson预计强劲盈利势头将持续到2021财年 (吉隆坡3日讯)2020财政年录得创纪录净利后,Ageson Bhd有信心截至明年6月杪2021财年将实现更高的收益。 该集团在文告中指出,在1亿4900万令吉的建筑订单和硅砂业务出口市...
Publish at Tue, 03 Nov 2020, 06:00AM
Condivergence: Is capitalism a religion? In our journey to search for a new paradigm to look at a fast-changing world with shocks coming fast and furious, we have moved out of pure economics and compar...
Publish at Sat, 21 Nov 2020, 11:30AM